My Office Store

Motivation from my heart. If you have ever felt like giving up....please read.

I tend to start a lot of projects and then not finish them....yes, if you were wondering, I do have A.D.H.D. I often tend to come up with amazing business ideas, and ways to reach consumers in new ways that would have customers poring into your website to get a buy of your great product. So many of these ideas go through my head a day and I scramble through them to see which ones would be of great interest to my attention to follow through with them. While many ideas are likely to fall short of "The Next Big Thing", don't be discouraged and I can't stress enough how important it is to be optimistic in your project idea.

I would like to share a quote with you that I wrote in a moment of inspiration that I believe will set a foundation in your heart of self belief, which in reality is the first step of moving forward.

"Success is not a signed piece of paper, nor something that requires

approval. Success is defined, when you feel in your heart that you have

tried your best, and are proud of the end results" - Zachary Gustafson

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